
Ice and or mix climbing is a personal favorite. Explore the world of vertical frozen water both in the Alps, Sweden or Norway.
Favorite spots: Abisko, Narvik, Cogne and Kandersteg
Group size: 1-2 participants
Level: Beginner to expert

Going uphill by your own power, getting away from the crowds and search for the best view and snow. Ski touring expands the playground in many ways. We guide everything from liftassisted skitouring, the different famous ´´Haute routes´´ of the alps and tours in Norway both land and boat based.
Group size: 1-6 participants
Level: Beginner to expert

Looking to challenge your ski ability or have a particular couloir in mind.
Favorite spots: the Alps, Lyngen, Kebnekaise and Romsdalen
Group size: 2
Level: Advanced

Aspiring to participate in one of the big skimoraces like Keb classic, PDG or Mezzalama? But lacking the experience in the alpine terrain. We can help you out with courses to prepare for the race or why not participate togheter?

We teach avalanche courses according to the Swedish system SVELAV. Courses are mainly held in Åre but on request we can also organize them in Norway ans the Alps. We teach mainly Friåkning 1 and Friåkning 2 and usually run them in Swedish. Check out for more info.

Åre is our base big parts of the winter. from here we run different day and multiday trips such as:
Avalanche workshops, skitouring in surrounding (as Snasahögarna, Sylarna, Offerdal), freeride on Åreskutan, rope technique for skiers, ice climbing, Avalanche courses and much more.
Some of these tours are bookable here